
JP Nagar 8th Phase, Bangalore 560 083

1800 102 8032



Sarvoham and our Work: Bringing a Cultural Shift in our Perception of Animals

Sarvoham means the mutual harmony between humans and animals.

This harmony is already inherent in our true nature (because after all, we are all animals first), but capitalism and the modern lifestyle associated with it has made us forget its presence. Sarvoham dreams of a day where we recognize our natural bond with animals again; a day when humans and animals live in such close harmony and mutual sustainability that animals do not require rescuing from humans; day when organizations like Sarvoham are not needed anymore. And we are endeavouring to bring this change through our work and approach.

Kindness begets kindness!

So, every time we accept a rescue request, it is a statement of our firm belief that “we are there to help animals” (like many other kind people are). Every time our team reaches to rescue a distressed animal, people gather around in amazement to see our work, and get to know that “animal lives matter”. Every time the animal trusts us and lets us rescue him or treat him on the spot, the people present there witness “not all animals are harmful”. Every time we pick an animal, place him respectfully and carefully in our ambulance and bring him to our hospital, people come to realise “animals deserve care and respect”. Every time we drop an animal back after he has recovered, people witness “it is possible to help animals” (and it is only a phone call away). Every time we work to educate people in the kind and correct treatment of animals, it says “animals feel too and they don’t deserve the cruelty they usually get”. Every time kind people visit our shelter to meet our amazing animals, it says “animals deserve to be happy too”. And every time any generous person or organization decides to help us, it says “we are not alone in this”!

It is this organic, mutually sustaining cycle of love, care, compassion and help that makes organizations like Sarvoham going, and allows us to keep working for this cultural shift. Animals are our companions. This is their world too. The space, resources and respect we have decided to declare ours is equally theirs too. We are working towards a day when this will be a common knowledge and realization. And till that day comes, we’ll keep saving one animal at a time to make this world a kinder place for everyone!

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. 

– Amelia Earhart


Doubts about Adopting an Indian Dog from the Streets? Here’s why it’s a Terrific Idea and you should go for it!

When it comes to having a companion animal, a cute, cuddly, ever-loving dog comes to mind as the most obvious choice.

Most people do not think twice over the kind of dog they want to have as their “pet” – Exotic, foreign breed dog bought from a breeder or a pet store. This is the reason when you go out of your house for a walk, you see so many people walking their German shepherds, Labradors, St. Bernards and Huskies. Sadly, our indigenous dogs, who form a permanent part of our lives, streets and ecosystem, are made ironically invisible. Most people aspiring to become pet-parents do not think them as an option deserving much attention, forget a place in their homes.

The Many Perks of Adopting a Desi Dog

But if you are reading this article because you are thinking about adopting an Indian dog but are not sure, first of all, let us congratulate you! You are among the forerunners of this new change, where people are coming to realize the value and suitability of our indigenous Indian dog breeds and are coming forward to adopt more and more of them. It is because of people like you who break the shackles of ongoing societal pretensions and change the world with their progressive thinking. So, kudos to you!

But if you are just at the edge of making a decision, this article is here to assist you. So, let’s go ahead and acknowledge the advantages our indigenous dogs possess over pedigree/bred/store-bought dogs:

  • Indian dogs are free of cost: You just have to look around to find a mother with puppies in your street, or perhaps a younger dog who is absolutely independent from her mother. These puppies/dogs find a hard time surviving on the road. Most of them will probably not make it due to infections, accidents, starvation and weather conditions. By giving them a chance to have a home with you, you are changing someone’s precious life, and that too for free! (Make sure the puppies are completely weaned or are at least 3 months old, and is not distressed to leave her family).
  • Indian dogs are hardier: Say bye-bye to frequent vet-visits, an otherwise regular thing with foreign breed dogs. Thanks to their 15000 years of evolution through natural selection, Indian dogs have inherited the sturdiest genetic make-up. They are therefore much lesser prone to infections, allergies and organ complications that are common in pedigree dogs due to their inbreeding. Imagine the fortune you save by not visiting the vet every now and then.
  • They can eat what you eat: Indian dogs thrive on your Indian “ghar ka khana”. No tailored diets according to genetic factors, no complicated meal plans according to weights issues. Just a regular something from your kitchen will satiate their hunger because that’s what they are used to eating on the street. Not only will they gratefully accept what you offer them, it also gets easily digested by them because that’s the kind of food they are used to. Just make sure you add plenty of nutrition and keep it balanced and you are good to go! And the amounts you save by not falling into the trap of specially tailored diets according to breed is insane.
  • Tropical Climate? They are already adapted: Indian dogs are already adapted to the climate of India. This keeps them away from the allergies and skin complications pedigree dogs usually suffer from.
  • No one misses dog-hair on their sofa: No scary amounts of dog-hair on the carpet and the couch for pet-parents of Indian dogs. The short coat on their bodies is perfect for the tropical climate of India and makes them perfect to be household darlings who don’t make their parents toil to get their hair off the sofa after a long day at work!
  • Indian dogs are highly Intelligent: Centuries of surviving on the streets has endowed these wonderful beings with an unsurpassable intelligence. Indian dogs are excellent guard dogs. Just a look or a sniff at a shady person and their barking sirens go off. You can trust their instincts when it comes to the security of your house and your loved ones! Also, they can be trained very easily: necessary commands, potty etiquettes, and people recognition, you name it and these dogs can be trained for it. Any violence you may encounter may be a remnant of some trauma suffered on the street, and that too is often related to hunger or threat.
  • Indian dogs live longer: If given good nutrition and basic healthcare, these dogs are literally your true companions, even with their life span. While 8 to 12 years is the highest amount of time a store-bought pedigree dog is able to survive (with mostly painful and complicated final years), if taken care of well, Indian dogs may live up to the age of 20 years! Talk about growing old together!

Isn’t it only obvious that our Indian dogs are a better choice for being a part of our family? These loving, intelligent, low-maintenance beings will add boundless joy to your home and your life. Most importantly, however, every time you pick a dog from the street, save her from accidents, starvation, harsh weather, endless cycles of pregnancy and birth, you save a precious and innocent life. On the other hand, if you buy a dog from the store, you encourage cruel puppy mills and breeding culture, and you take away the chance from a street puppy to have a safe and happy life in your loving home. So, go ahead and adopt that street or shelter Indian dog and witness how the bliss of saving a life makes your life joyful every day!

You can’t change a dog’s past but you can rewrite his future. Adopt a dog from the street today!

– Sarvoham Animal Foundation


Laws against Cruelty to Animals may become Stricter in India, FIAPO highlights Gaps in the Proposal

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