Document Retention Policy
Last updated: April 1st, 2023
The purpose of this Document Retention Policy is to establish guidelines for the retention and destruction of our non-profit organization’s documents and records. This policy aims to ensure compliance with legal, regulatory, and financial requirements, protect sensitive information, and minimize the risk of litigation or audit issues.
This policy applies to all documents and records generated or received by our non-profit organization, including but not limited to:
- Financial statements, tax returns, and audit reports
- Board minutes, resolutions, and bylaws
- Donor records, grant applications, and fundraising materials
- Employment and volunteer records, including background checks and performance evaluations
- Contracts, leases, and other legal agreements
- Correspondence, emails, and other communication
- Programmatic materials, such as program evaluations, reports, and assessments
Retention Periods
The following retention periods are recommended for different types of documents and records:
- Financial statements, tax returns, and audit reports: Seven years
- Board minutes, resolutions, and bylaws: Permanently
- Donor records, grant applications, and fundraising materials: Seven years after the end of the calendar year in which the donation was received or grant was awarded
- Employment and volunteer records, including background checks and performance evaluations: Seven years after the end of employment or volunteer service
- Contracts, leases, and other legal agreements: Seven years after expiration or termination
- Correspondence, emails, and other communication: Three years
- Programmatic materials, such as program evaluations, reports, and assessments: Three years after the end of the program
Destruction Procedures
Documents and records that have met the retention periods outlined above will be securely destroyed in a manner that ensures confidentiality and prevents unauthorized access. The destruction process may include shredding, incineration, or secure electronic deletion. Before destruction, the organization will make a good faith effort to review the documents and records for any legal holds, pending investigations, or other reasons that may require retention beyond the stated period.
In some cases, the organization may need to retain certain documents and records for longer periods than specified in this policy due to legal, regulatory, or contractual obligations, or other compelling reasons. Such exceptions will be documented and approved by the Executive Director or another authorized officer of the organization.
Training and Communication
The organization will provide regular training and communication to employees, volunteers, and other stakeholders on the importance of document retention, the procedures for retaining and disposing of documents and records, and the consequences of non-compliance with this policy.
Monitoring and Review
The non-profit organization will monitor and review the implementation and effectiveness of this policy on a regular basis and make any necessary improvements or adjustments to ensure that it remains up-to-date, relevant, and compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
Contact Information
For questions or concerns related to this Document Retention Policy, please contact: [email protected]
Signed by: Haris Ali , Founder & President
Date: April 1st, 2023