
JP Nagar 8th Phase, Bangalore 560 083

1800 102 8032

How we Help


Sympathy with the animal to be rescued is the main driving force behind all that we do. We have tried to imbibe the values of kindness even in our rescue process and practices. One example of this is that we do not use a net to catch animals. As far as possible, we try to avoid tools and approach the suffering animal with love and gentleness. Learn more..


Medical treatment is one of the most important areas where animals need our help. We cannot share the animal’s pain or feel the distress she is feeling, but we try our best to reduce her suffering as far as possible. Our treatment protocols are designed with only one purpose in mind: giving every fighting chance to the struggling animal so her precious life is saved, even if that looks difficult at the time of rescue. Learn more..


It takes time and patience to win the trust of the gentle beings we pick for rescue from the streets. The abuse, neglect and indifference they have endured on the streets make Rehabilitation a long and ongoing process. All recovered dogs who are healthy to survive on their own are released back to their original locations (refer to the release part of this section to read more). Learn more..


All animals deserve to spend their life peacefully and undisrupted in their own locality. An animal rescue shelter may appear safe, comfortable and convenient for healthy animals but in reality, shelters are hotspots for several life-threatening and contagious infections brought in by different animals rescued for so many different issues. Learn more..

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1800 102 8032

Spay/Neuter & Vaccinate

Sarvoham spays/neuters and vaccinates against rabies, all the dogs we rescue. Spaying/neutering helps in avoiding human-animal conflict arising due to rabies and overpopulation. Humans tend to be more sympathetic and caring towards spayed/ neutered animals in the absence of the fear of overpopulation. Once a mother is free from the incessant cycles of pregnancy, her own health begins to improve. Puppies that don’t come to this world already escape cruel death on streets due to starvation, accidents and diseases.

Our Programs

Community Partnership

Education and Outreach

Adoption Campaigns

We offer assistance to the local community in animal-related matters in many ways. From providing veterinary advice for addressing minor medical issues, to arranging street water bowls in summer, we frequently undertake projects to ensure a connection with the local community for better care and treatment of street animals.

No amount of animal rescue and help can eliminate animal suffering if our perception towards animals does not change. We invite visitors and volunteers to Sarvoham, and organize sessions educating them in the kind and right treatment of street animals.

We actively advocate against the objectifying practice of breeding and buying pets. By frequently organizing adoption campaigns and encouraging people to adopt rescued animals, we encourage the practice of “Adopt, don’t shop”.

Want to Volunteer with us?

What People Have To Say About Sarvoham

The animals we serve thank us with their love. Listen to what the people who reported them have to say. 


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